I'd like to take this opportunity to give you a short version of my life. I'm a native Pocatellan. I
graduated from Pocatello High School in 1975. I served a two year mission in Melbourne, Australia. I married Patricia
Cooper my high school sweetheart from Boise in 1978. We have four children Jeff, Joni, Barbara, Alicia. I also
have eight grandchildren: William, Rylee, Emma,Chloe, Jack, and Jacob, Spencer, and Joise. They are
the highlights of our lives.
I've been teaching at Indian Hills for 14 years. I love working with the faculty and staff and of course the
students. I am the proud recipiate of a new kidney as of October 5, 2004. My health is great, thanks to all the
wonderful health care providers.
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E-mail address: School: bowmanma@d25.k12.id.us
Office hours: 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 Office location: Indian Hills Elementary 666 Cheyenne Pocatello, Idaho
83204 Office Phone Number: 232-4086